
ATLAS Throttle Lock

Honda Motorcycles - ATLAS Throttle Lock

Sale price Price $155.00 Regular price

If you’re drawn to the reliability and engineering of Honda motorcycles, then you are going to immediately connect with the ATLAS Throttle Lock.

The clean lines and intuitive design of the ATLAS will make your helmet time much more enjoyable. Whether you own a stock CTX 1300 or a farkled Africa Twin, or if you have DCT or not, the ATLAS is guaranteed to work on your motorcycle.

Top Kit control Bottom Kit

Top Kit

Avrai bisogno di un Top Kit se:

Ci sono meno di 1,5 pollici (38 mm) di spazio tra il serbatoio del carburante e l'alloggiamento dell'acceleratore quando si gira completamente a destra.

C'è un filo riscaldato dell'impugnatura che esce dalla metà inferiore della flangia dell'impugnatura in gomma.

Atlas image
Bottom Kit

Avrai bisogno di un Bottom Kit se:

C'è un filo riscaldato dell'impugnatura che esce dalla metà superiore della flangia dell'impugnatura in gomma.

Non ci sono altre interferenze. La maggior parte delle moto potrà utilizzare il Bottom Kit.

Atlas image

Come Determinare il Montaggio

Si adatterà alla tua moto?

Video Thumbnail

Passaggi per determinare il montaggio

Passaggio 1: verificare la spaziatura adeguata per ATLAS tra l'alloggiamento dell'acceleratore e la flangia dell'impugnatura.

Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è uno spazio di 2,5 mm o più tra l'impugnatura e l'alloggiamento dell'acceleratore, che è largo circa 3 carte bancarie spesse. Se hai bisogno di più spazio, molto probabilmente puoi tirare indietro la flangia dell'impugnatura per ottenere lo spazio necessario. Riproduci il video nella sezione "Si Adatterà Alla Tua Moto?" e scorri fino a 33 secondi. Questo ti mostrerà come tirare indietro la flangia dell'impugnatura.

Passaggio 2: Utilizza il nostro strumento di ricerca "Marca, Modello e Anno" per individuare la tua moto. Lo strumento di ricerca ti mostrerà esattamente quale unità acquistare. Se non riesci a trovare la tua moto, fai clic sul pulsante Contattaci di seguito. Siamo felici di aiutarti a prendere questa decisione.

Se non riesci a trovare il tuo modello e sai di quale kit hai bisogno, seleziona "Altro" nella sezione "Modello" per accedere a tutti i kit.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Desideri ulteriore aiuto per determinare quale ATLAS Throttle Lock si adatta meglio alla tua moto?

Trova il Tuo Modello

ModelliAnniMiglior Kit
Africa Twin CRF1000AllTop Kit
Africa Twin CRF1100LAllTop Kit
Africa Twin Adventure SportsAllTop Kit
Big RuckusAllEither Kit
CB 125 FAllEither Kit
CB 300 FAllBottom Kit
CB 500 FAllTop Kit
CB 600 F / CB599 Hornet AllTop Kit
CB 650 FAllTop Kit
CB 900 F / CB919 Hornet AllTop Kit
CB 125 R AllTop Kit
CB 250 R AllTop Kit
CB 300 R AllTop Kit
CB 650 R AllTop Kit
CB 500 XAllEither Kit
CB 1000 R / CB 1000 R+AllTop Kit
CB 1100 / RSAllEither Kit
CB 1100 EX AllEither Kit
CBF 600 / S / SA / NAllTop Kit
CBF 1000 AAllTop Kit
CBF 1000 FAllTop Kit
CBF 1000 GTAllTop Kit
CBR 400 FAllTop Kit
CBR 500 FAllTop Kit
CBR 600 F HurricaneAllTop Kit
CBR 600 F2AllTop Kit
CBR 600 F3AllTop Kit
CBR 600 F4AllTop Kit
CBR 600 F4iAllTop Kit
CBR 650 FAllTop Kit
CBR 750 F Hurricane / Super AeroAllTop Kit
CBR 1000 F HurricaneAllTop Kit
CBR 125 RAllTop Kit
CBR 150 RAllTop Kit
CBR 250 R / RRAllTop Kit
CBR 300 RAllTop Kit
CBR 400 R / RRAllTop Kit
CBR 450 SRAllTop Kit
CBR 500 RAllTop Kit
CBR 600 RRAllTop Kit
CBR 650 RAllTop Kit
CBR 900 RRAllTop Kit
CBR 929 RRAllTop Kit
CBR 954 RR (Fireblade)AllTop Kit
CBR 1000 RR (Fireblade)AllTop Kit
CBR 1000 RR-RAllTop Kit
CBR 1100 XX Super BlackbirdAllTop Kit
CBXAllEither Kit
CRF 250 L / RallyAllEither Kit
CRF 450 L / RLAllEither Kit
CTX 700 AllSee Notes
CTX 1300 / Deluxe AllSee Notes
CX500 / Custom / DeluxeAllEither Kit
CX650 / CX650C CustomAllEither Kit
Deauville NT650VAllBottom Kit
Deauville NT700VAllBottom Kit
DN-01AllEither Kit
Forza Scooter 125 / 250 / 300AllEither Kit
Fury VT1300CXAllBottom Kit
Gold Wing GL1000AllEither Kit
Gold Wing GL1100AllEither Kit
GL 1100 A AspencadeAllEither Kit
GL 1100 DX De LuxeAllEither Kit
GL 1100 I InterstateAllEither Kit
Gold Wing GL1200AllEither Kit
GL 1200 A AspencadeAllEither Kit
GL 1200 DX De LuxeAllEither Kit
GL 1200 I InterstateAllEither Kit
GL 1200 L Limited EditionAllEither Kit
GL 1200 SE-iAllEither Kit
Gold Wing GL 1500AllEither Kit
GL 1500 A AspencadeAllEither Kit
GL 1500 I InterstateAllEither Kit
GL 1500 SEAllEither Kit
Gold Wing GL 1800AllEither Kit
GL 1800 TourAllEither Kit
ModelliAnniMiglior Kit
GL 1800 F6BAllEither Kit
Gold Wing F6B DeluxeAllTop Kit
Grom (MSX125)AllEither Kit
Hawk GT NT650AllEither Kit
Integra Scooter AllEither Kit
Interstate VT1300CTAllEither Kit
Magna VF250CAllEither Kit
Magna VF500C V30AllEither Kit
Magna VF700C V42AllEither Kit
Magna VF750C V45AllEither Kit
Magna VF1100C V65AllEither Kit
Super MagnaAllEither Kit
Monkey 125AllEither Kit
NC 700 X AllEither Kit
NC 750 X AllEither Kit
NC 750 S AllEither Kit
Nighthawk 250AllEither Kit
Nighthawk 450AllEither Kit
Nighthawk 550AllEither Kit
Nighthawk 650AllEither Kit
Nighthawk 700AllEither Kit
Nighthawk 750AllEither Kit
PC 800 Pacific Coast AllDoesn’t Fit
PCX125 ScooterAllEither Kit
PCX150 ScooterAllEither Kit
Phantom 750AllEither Kit
RC51AllTop Kit
RVT1000RAllTop Kit
VTR1000SP1AllTop Kit
VTR1000SP2AllTop Kit
Rebel 250 / 300 / 500AllEither Kit
Ruckus 50AllEither Kit
Saber VT1300CS AllEither Kit
SH150i / SH300i Scooter AllEither Kit
Shadow 125AllBottom Kit
Shadow 400 / VT400AllBottom Kit
Shadow 500 / VT500CAllBottom Kit
Shadow 600AllBottom Kit
VT600C / VT600CD DeluxeAllBottom Kit
Shadow 700 / VT700CAllBottom Kit
Shadow 750 / VT750CAllBottom Kit
VT750 C2 SpiritAllBottom Kit
VT750CD DeluxeAllBottom Kit
VT750DC SpiritAllBottom Kit
VT750RS Retro StandardAllBottom Kit
NV750C CustomAllBottom Kit
NV750DC Shadow SlasherAllBottom Kit
Shadow VT750C ACEAllBottom Kit
Shadow 800 / VT800CAllBottom Kit
Shadow 1100AllBottom Kit
Silver Wing Scooter (FSC600A)AllEither Kit
Stateline VT1300CRAllEither Kit
ST1100 / ST1300 / Pan European AllEither Kit
Super Cub C125 ABSAllEither Kit
Translap XL400VAllEither Kit
Translap XL600VAllEither Kit
Translap XL650VAllEither Kit
Translap XL700VAllEither Kit
Valkyrie GL1500CAllBottom Kit
Valkyrie F6CAllBottom Kit
Valkyrie GL1500CJ InterstateAllBottom Kit
Valkyrie GL1500CT TourerAllBottom Kit
Valkyrie RuneAllBottom Kit
Valkyrie 1800AllBottom Kit
Varadero XL125VAllEither Kit
Varadero XL1000VAllEither Kit
VF 750 F V45 InterceptorAllTop Kit
VFR 750 F InterceptorAllTop Kit
VFR 800 InterceptorAllTop Kit
VFR 800 X Crossrunner AllEither Kit
VFR1200FAllTop Kit
VFR 1200 X Crosstourer AllTop Kit
VTR1000F / SuperHawk / FirestormAllTop Kit
VTX 1100 / 1300 / 1800 AllBottom Kit
X-ADV AllEither Kit
XR 650AllEither Kit

Note Specifiche del Modello

Description1 On models with factory heated grips, riders should check their specific bike. The gap between the throttle housing and the grip flange may be too narrow on some bikes, but others may have enough space (about 3 mm).
Description2 CTX 700 bikes with OEM heated grips should order the Top Kit. CTX 700 bikes that don't have OEM heated grips can choose either the Top Kit or Bottom Kit.
Description3 CTX 1300 / Deluxe bikes with OEM heated grips should order the Top Kit. CTX 1300 / Deluxe bikes that don't have OEM heated grips can choose either the Top Kit or Bottom Kit.
Description4 On models with chrome grip flanges, the chrome flange may need to be pulled back towards the bar end to create enough space to mount the ATLAS.
Description5 Riders should check their specific bike for proper clearance between the fuel tank and the gap between the throttle housing and grip flange with the handebars at a full right turn before ordering the Bottom Kit.
Description6 ATLAS has to press against the handlebar cover to function. The Bottom Kit is incompatible due to a large uneven seam on bottom of handlebar cover. Top Kit may function, however handlebar cover tapers away from the ATLAS and may result in poor friction.

Incluso nel Kit

Il tuo kit viene fornito con tutto il necessario per montare ATLAS su molte motociclette diverse.

  • Istruzioni per L'installazione
  • T10 Torx L-Key
  • 2 - Bulloni M3 con frenafiletti
  • 4 - Friction Pads Scorrevoli
  • 1 - ATLAS Key
  • Adesivi

Friction Pads

Tutto quello che devi sapere sull'utilizzo dei Friction Pads con ATLAS Throttle Lock.

Sono necessari i cuscinetti di attrito.
L'ATLAS Throttle Lock è stato progettato per essere utilizzato con i Friction Pads. Le Friction Pads possono durare 60.000 miglia o più purché tu scelga la pastiglia giusta per la tua moto. Preserverai anche il tuo Pad evitando qualsiasi contatto con la cucitura tagliente dell'alloggiamento dell'acceleratore. Questo è spiegato nelle nostre istruzioni di installazione.
Quale Friction Pad dovresti usare?
I Friction Pads sono disponibili in 4 diversi spessori. Ti basterà applicare un solo Pad sul tuo ATLAS. Guarda i nostri video di installazione e segui le istruzioni per determinare quale Friction Pad funziona meglio.
I Friction Pads sono regolabili?
SÌ! I picchetti all'estremità dei Friction Pads hanno 2 tacche equidistanti che possono essere tagliate per allontanare il Friction Pad dalla cresta curva dell'alloggiamento dell'acceleratore. Questo è spiegato nelle nostre istruzioni di installazione.

Installazione del ATLAS Throttle Lock

Video Thumbnail

L'ATLAS Throttle Lock è stato costruito per l'avventura e il turismo in moto.

Il ATLAS Throttle Lock ti darà le capacità di crociera che la tua moto ha mancato fin dal primo giorno. Vai più lontano con ATLAS durante il tuo prossimo giro di gruppo, viaggio in moto-campeggio o Iron Butt Rally.
Forse ti starai chiedendo se ATLAS è in grado di gestire tutto ciò che hai pianificato per esso. Stai tranquillo, abbiamo dei ciclisti che circumnavigano attivamente il pianeta con l'ATLANTE. Sei in buona compagnia, non importa in quale continente ti trovi. Siamo là fuori a pedalare con te! Trova il nostro canale su Youtube

Customer Reviews

Based on 839 reviews
Manoj Chandrasekaran
Exceptional Product

I recently embarked on a multi-day ride that took me through a mix of motorways and A roads. Before starting the trip, I had my doubts about how comfortable the journey would be over long stretches of highway. However, the Atlas Throttle Lock proved to be an absolute game-changer.

This brilliant piece of equipment transformed my riding experience, especially during those long, monotonous motorway segments. It allowed me to relax my throttle hand, reducing fatigue significantly and making the ride much more enjoyable. Its ease of installation and seamless operation stood out, as did the smooth engagement and disengagement, even while on the move.

What I particularly appreciated was how intuitive the design is. The Atlas Throttle Lock doesn’t just hold the throttle in place but does so in a way that maintains stability and control, giving me the confidence to use it even on curvy stretches of A roads. The added freedom allowed me to focus on the scenery and the ride itself without the constant strain on my wrist.

I can’t imagine completing my ride without this amazing product. It’s not just a convenience; it’s an essential tool for anyone planning long-distance trips. If you're serious about touring, the Atlas Throttle Lock is worth every cent, Highly recommend.

Adam Bernhardt
Works !

I had to buy this type of friction stop as my bike had heated grips installed previously and a friction twist end would not work. Easy to install and use. Kind of spendy for what it is but what you gonna do?

Kevin Morris
Does exactly what it says on the tin!

Ducati Scrambler 800 Urban Motard and works as expected. Slightly complicated to understand fitting but ignoring the comprehensive instructions helps !

Understandably not like a proper cruise control but it lets you rest your throttle wrist on long trips. Obviously doesn't switch off when your brake and speed can alter depending on road geometry.

I was dubious about it's efficacy and buying it was a punt but, I'm very pleased and would recommend it to others.

Works as advertised.

As the title says, it works. Had to do some research to find out if I needed the top or bottom mount but the website helped with that. I have a Harley with chrome stepped switch housings and stock grips. Did some mock fitting to find the right friction pad and after that it was pretty simple to install. I’m going to install aftermarket grips soon so I’m curious to see how it’s going to refit. The only very small issue I’ve had and it’s because my housing is stepped & chrome, is it will start to slip a hair because there isn’t a lot for the friction pad to contact. I need a tiny shim to be honest. Other than that it’s worth it and works.

Chris Gardner
Kawasaki Concours14 works great

The underside unit bought for my concours works great. I’ve already used it on a 5hr trip and plan to use it during my iron butt challenge!

Atlas throttle lock for vstrom 650 xt

Performs as designed. Keep in mind that it is a throttle lock & not cruise control.

Ray Hunt
Perfect Solution

Easily installed and performs well.

James Gleason


Gary Mullins
Atlas Throttle Lock

Perfect. Because I have an injury to my left arm, it's hard to engage my cruise control on the left handlebar.
The Atlas Throttle Lock on the right side, is quick and easy to engage. I use it more than the cruise control !

Jeff Walter
ATLAS Throttle Lock

It works exactly as advertised. I recently purchased a 2024 Honda CRF300L Rally to use as a light adventure bike. I will be 64 this April and appreciate being able to give my right hand/wrist a break on a long ride.
Easy and straightforward installation also!